#ChallengeITAXA - in English
13/03/2022 jusqu'au 27/03/2022
15 minutes

TOP 15:

  1. EL Houssaine EL HILALI
  2. Rémy Codron
  3. David Meimoun
  4. Cyrille GRIFO
  5. Sébastien COCKEDEY
  6. Jérémy Balan
  7. Antoine Bastin
  8. Francis BACQUET
  9. Stéphanie MERCIER
  10. Lilian Delouvy
  11. Luc Delannoy
  12. FRECHARD Jeremy
  13. Thibaut PERRIN
  14. Simone RON
  15. Benjamin Merklen

Welcome to the AXA IT Challenge. Test your knowledge, showcase your tech skills and enjoy :)

You will have 15 minutes to give the correct answer to as many questions as you can (up to 20). The questions are multiple-choice. Each question has an associated score of 1 point if answered correctly. The total score will be the cumulative score of the answers. When you pass on a question or give a wrong answer, you don’t win or lose points. You can pass the challenge in english or in french. Choose the language by clicking on the button at the top of the page.

Your score will be released privately to you at the end of the challenge.

The best 15 scores will be displayed during the networking meetup organized at the end of the challenge. We hope that you will enjoy and we are looking forward to listen to your feedback.

1. Connect between March 14 and 27 (end at 4:00 p.m.) on the Challenge page. A (free) registration will be required: please use a personal address to log in to the platform. You can choose to carry out the competitions in French or in English, the scores will be merged!

2. You will be asked for a password to launch the challenge, please fill in the password received in the internal communications of your entity.

Be careful, you can only play once 


As a reminder, your data relating to this challenge will not be used for purposes other than those of this challenge. Regarding the results, only the 15 best scores will be made visible on the platform!

Also note that this is a gaming platform external to AXA and that you can exercise your right to access, rectify and delete your personal data at any time by writing to info@editx.eu

Are you having difficulty logging into the platform? Contact adembour@editx.eu and sarah.matias@axa.fr