Java Challenge Deutschland 2019
18/03/2019 jusqu'au 03/05/2019
15 minutes

1st place: Ticket for JavaLand 2020

2nd place: Ticket for JavaLand 2020

3rd place: Apple Watch

For 6 weeks, Java lovers will compete to win the title of Java Champion of Germany. The contest takes 15 minutes during which one's the participants have to answer to 21 questions. A correct answer results in a score of plus 2, a wrong answer results in a score of minus 1. When you skip a question, you win nor lose points. The total score will be the cumulative score of all questions answered within the set timeframe of 15 minutes. The contest allows the usage of three ‘jokers’.

  • The "50/50", forcing the online test to take out half of the possible answers to a question
  • The "Ask the challengers", where the percentage of the other challengers choosing each answer is displayed to you and
  • The "Bonus question/Ask a friend", in which the challenger sends a bonus question (after the regular 15 minutes) to a friend in the course of the 6-week Challenge. The friend provides the answer and the score is adapted with the result.

Cognizant will use the contact details of the participants for the following purposes: 

  • To deliver the prizes to the best participants
  • To share the results of the challenge and ask for testimonials to some participants
  • To inform the participants about internships or job opportunities at Cognizant

The details of the scores will be released privately in your personal dashboard at the end of the Challenge, so that the answers can't be shared among players. The leaderboard is only displaying the top 20 participants.

Jury et ambassadeurs

Ralf Lämmel
University of Koblenz-Landau
Mario Torre
Java Champion & Principal Software Engineer, Java Platform
Red Hat
Benjamin Nothdurft
JUG & JavaLand & microXchg Leader and University Lecturer and Jury President and Technical Lead
codecentric AG
Johannes Schöning
Visiting Researcher
Bernd Müller
Co-organizer JUG Ostfalen & Professor for Computer Science
Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
Oliver Fisher
Leader JUG Berlin-Brandenburg & Team Architect
Deutsche Post E-POST Development GmbH
Gregor Trefs
Team Lead
Martin Alexander Neumann
Audit Manager for IT security
Deutsche Bundesbank
Teresa Holfeld
Hamburg Coding School
Thomas Darimont
codecentric AG
Sebastian Daschner
Java Champion & Lead Java Developer Advocate
Marcus Biel
Java Evangelist & Founder
Clean Code Academy
André Sept
Chief Technical Architect
IT-Systemhaus der Bundesagentur für Arbeit
Christian Grobmeier
Software Developer & Entrepreneur
Grobmeier Solutions GmbH
Jens Bendisposto
Senior Consultant
Sandra Parsick
JavaLand Committee Member & Freelance IT Consultant
Sandra Parsick
Reinhard Prechtl
JUG Leader in Nuremberg & Software Writer
codecentric AG

Rules of the Challenge

Participants must be over 18 years old and be residents of Germany to win the prizes.

One registration per person is authorized. The participant can only compete in his own name and not for someone else. Personal information of the participant may be checked through different sources. Personal information must be accurate. Inaccurate or false information given by the participant will invalid the registration or entail the loss of the Prize.


We really don’t want to disqualify you, but sadly we will have to, if we catch you doing any of the following:

  • Communicating and/or publishing any kind of data, questions or solutions in liaison with the challenge, and sharing directly or indirectly this information with any other contestant before the challenge has been closed;
  • Attempting to damage the website or taking action that may have a negative impact on the normal process/operating procedure of the challenge. Incidentally, this may also be considered as a legal violation, and the organizer reserves the right to initiate a legal procedure and claim damages before the court.
  • Taking any action in violation of the copyrights/IP that belong to the authors of the questions, the members of the Jury, and the EDITx IT educators community.
  • Having multiple profiles while participating in the challenge.